Our Lunch & Learn Series is designed to provide Consulting Engineers with sessions featuring the latest information and resources to help you effectively design and specify the technology needed to support your Smart Building Design.
Custom Presentations for Your Team
Every presentation is technical in nature and focuses on the technology and not the product. We work with you to plan your event, with lunch provided by us, and an education session covering the latest products and best practices for designing an intuitive and secure system.
We will create customized marketing to promote your session to your targeted audience. Our Lunch & Learn events are tailored to provide an effective educational opportunity for your team.

Choose from these Lunch & Learn Topics
How to Design an OT Network
With the emergence of IoT and BigData, building owners are placing the responsibility of Building Systems Integration on Consulting Engineers. With this responsibility comes a need to under stand networks, gateways, open systems and other new technologies that are necessary to design an overall system topology that meets your client’s needs.
A Unified Approach to Smart Building Technology
Smart buildings are designed to provide improved operations, security, occupancy experience, and sustainability. Within one structure you can have a variety of tenants and users and you must ensure that your buildings run efficiently while catering to these tenants and are future proofed to continue attracting new ones. In our “Unified Approach to Smart Building Technology” we help you understand how to develop a design plan that takes into account all these requirements in order for you to plan strategically about the current and future needs of your building.
How to Specify Integration - Div25
Now that most building systems are connected to the Internet, a need for a better understanding of networks and the different network solutions available is crucial to our industry. This change in our industry introduces several challenges, such as, integrating more systems, OT Networks, working with IT, and Cybersecurity. In this session, we will cover everything you need to know to understand Div25 in order to create a logical and secure integrated platform.
Introduction to Cyber Security for OT
Traditionally, OT cyber security was not necessary because OT systems were not connected to the internet, which would expose the network to outside threats. With the emergence of smart buildings, and more data being shared on and OT network, the need to secure these networks has become more important. In this session we will walk your company through the basics of securing your OT network design.
Managing Harmonic Distortion in Critical Applications
Managing harmonic distortion in critical environments is crucial when selecting Variable Speed Drives for these projects. We know that the design community is always looking for cutting edge ideas and solutions for your current and future projects. This session hosted by Yaskawa features products and solutions to reduce harmonic distortion.
Introduction to HALO Smart Sensor
HALO is an Ethernet IoT Multi-Sensor that utilizes AI and ML technologies to provide the following capabilities: NO2 sensor, VOC sensor, barometric pressure sensor, particle sensor, CO2 sensor, humidity sensor, and temperature sensor. Utilizing HALO with BACnet, allows you have the option of keeping all processing and analytics within the HALO Smart Sensor and sending binary commands to the BAS, or sending all raw analog sensor data to the BAS for interpretation and remediation